After Pmr

Huh, seriously I miss the moment before PMR. NOT REALLY NOR TRULY. I miss the immersion. Truly miss the moment when everyone start to take pictures with others. Seriously, MPC lagi best dari Mozec. Bukan apa, dekat MPC facilities dia, budak :3 yang sporting even nampak macam kitorang ni sombong. Lupa pulak dengan sekolah apa. Mozec aku tak mix sangat sebab actually diorang pun pandai :D buat MRSM kowt. Memang aku terrer sangat (Y) Tapi it's the best moment. But living in hostel did gave me a lot of memories fighting with others. Learn to appreciate friendship and others. Huh! Nak update banyak cuma masa tak memadai.. ehh, btw, citer baru.