This Raya


Yeah this raya is quite boring. I miss the moment raya with cousin when I was a little. Truly, missing the moments. If I can turn back time? I miss the moment when we slept late the night before raya. We played together :) I miss * with his teeth. Now, he had grown up and turn into handsome teenagers. He gains responsible for now, he work. I miss all of them. One of my cousin have married and have a baby :_

Hmm, btw, I nampak muka sebijik macam dia nihh,, dekat RNR
Truly, I miss her :D 
She is one of the perfect person I have ever knew, she make me realize about life :)
Tapi pun, ada seorang lagi macam muka k. Farhanah tu... hmm pelanduk serupa kowt .. hmm

Hmm, however it's not to late to say HAPPY EID, and please forgive all my mistakes :P